Welcome to the Glen Oaks Elementary Learning Commons
MISD students and staff will need to log in to SSO, then open Google Drive to view all content on this site. 

Learning Commons Hours

8:00AM-2:45PM  Student access to the library 

24/7  Staff & student access to online resources


The mission of the Glen Oaks Elementary Learning Commons is to ensure that students and staff are effective evaluators, users and communicators of ideas and information, enabling them to be literate life-long learners.

Ashley Guerrero
Library Media Specialist and Certified Librarian


Melinda Foster
Library Aide



• What is a Learning Commons? 

The use and pedagogy associated with libraries has changed a lot over the past few decades.  Technology has made a big impact on how people gain access to information.  Libraries have had to adapt to meet their patron’s needs and to continue to offer unique learning experiences. The learning commons refers to all that the library has to offer both in its physical space within our school (library & STREAM lab), as well as the resources that are available online with 24/7 access. The new learning commons model allows for more flexibility in how the library space is used. More dynamic and innovative uses are encouraged.  

• How many books can I check out?  

Kindergarten & 1st: 2 books

2nd & 3rd: 3 books

4th: 4 books

5th: 5 books

Students may checkout books for two weeks, but we do not charge a fee if a book is turned in "late".  Books can easily be renewed if a student is not finished with a book.  If you have a lost or damaged a book, it will remain on your account, and it will count as one of your allotted books until the book is found or the fine is recouped. Contact Mrs. Guerrero with questions: aguerrero@mckinneyisd.net 

•What do I do if I lost or damaged my library book?

Students and parents can pay for the cost to replace the book using cash or check. 

•What services does the Learning Commons offer?

Book Checkout

Our library operates on a flexible schedule, meaning students come and go throughout the day as they're given time and permission from their classroom teacher.  We do not offer whole class checkout times, except for first semester kindergarten classes and the occasional arrangement made between the teacher and the library aide. Teachers, please do not send students to the library for check-out until the morning announcements are over, and please send only 2 or 3 students per class at a time.


Makerspace is open when the library is open for book checkout.  Students must come to the library with a Makerspace pass from their teacher and clean up everything before returning to class.  We encourage students to "make with a purpose," meaning we want to foster high level thinking that stretches students' brains even further than freely playing and crafting.  Our goal is to encourage creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration, and to integrate the STEAM content areas:  Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math.

Is there a handbook for student devices?

Yes, visit this link: https://spark.adobe.com/page/vmnHqTc5tIgN0/