About Me

About Me!

Hello Everyone, Im Loona "Izzy" Hellhound. But my Friends just call me Loona or Izzy for short. Im a Beginner Editer and Music Picture Editer, im also a Digital Artist and Traditional Artist on my Free time. Im a High Schooler in the 12th Grade. Im 17 and my Birthday is March 10th. I Live in Virginia, and am Curently Engaged to my Lovely Fiance Rosaria. She Lives in Phillidelphia, i hope to someday move down there so i can finally be able to Marry her Officialy. I also Have a Bf and Gf, Their Names are Katelyn(Shadow) and Owen. They are The Most amazing to me, i am also married to my Gf Katelyn here in Virginia, but not officialy, i hope to someday marry her one day. But I am Beggining my Youtube Channel slowly and hope to get to 1,000 Subs!!