Pecha Kucha

Pecha Kucha is a kind of presentation made of 20 slides for 20 seconds each, but the title slide does not count. The slides automatically change.  The slides are all images, they do not have any text because this might distract the audience. This stops the presenter talking too much and keeps it moving and interesting. The name comes from the Japanese for 'chit-chat' or the sound of conversation.

My first idea was to create a slideshow for one of my own projects that I’ve got written down. I found this new word called: pecha kuchas which should help me with my projects. I don't know what I should do for my FMP (Final Major Project). Later, I was told to make a mind map about pets like Rescue dogs, Shoreham, and my pets. I was also told to make mood boards on the projects that I’m planning to create. 

There was a day when me and and some of my classmates were presenting and talking about our Pecha Kuchas. I wasn’t sure what to say for each slide for 20 seconds, but when it was my turn and read every slide and finished, Annabelle Harrison commented that I did a terrific job of talking and presenting my Pecha Kucha.

Another day, I was told to record a speech on my Pecha Kucha, I presented the other week. I wasn't sure if I was going to finish it before the end of the lesson. I had to think of words to say in the speech for each slide and I had to add some music too, but I managed to finish on time and I had to wait until I got some feedback from it.