I HOPE YOU ENJOY THE PICTURES. YOU CAN PRESS THE HOME SCREEN DOWN ARROW TO SEE WHAT I HAVE BEEN UP TO THIS YEAR!! You can also press the More arrow which has a lot more product for you to see. Once again I hope you enjoy!!!

I just Loved looking at the background and the cross surrounding Caden with the sunset. I thought it really showed God looking down on him as he was playing.

I really liked how really liked how the trees and the clouds mixed within the players.

When I saw this picture. I thought " Hey this would be a really good shot with the football team in a huddle and the sunset behind them".

GONTAREK'S Photography


A Picture from series 3. Fantastic lighting

When I was taking this picture I thought the blue of the sky and the green grass really contrasted with the football players.

I wanted to get really good shot of the football players running in for a touchdown.