
For more information about "Reading Slavery/Writing Freedom," contact

Dr. Betsy Bowen, Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT

W. L. Bost (Ashville, NC)

Esther King Casey (Birmingham, AL)

Zek Brown (Fort Worth, TX)


This map was created with the help of many, to all of whom I am grateful. Undergraduate students in “Literacy and Language” first read accounts in the Library of Congress “Born in Slavery” collection, looking for information on literacy. I am grateful also to Fairfield University for sabbatical support that provided me with time to pursue this project. Thanks to Deborah Mutnick, Long Island University, who shared her expertise on archival research related to race. Particular thanks go to Brent Mai, Dean of Libraries and University Librarian at Fairfield University, and his staff, Wittawat Meesangnil and Robert Hoyt, whose skill and patience made the map real. Above all, I stand humbled by the formerly enslaved men and women who had the courage to tell their stories.