
Morning Kindness Quotes
Stay up to date from our daily announcement quotes created by the club! Each member helped to pull together some quotes to share with our EGHS community.

The Rock Project!

We are so happy to announce the completion of our first major project! Many members of our group came down to the Library Patio to paint some kindness themed rocks for the school. While only being able to have half of the members join us for this activity, we still had a lot of fun. The rocks will be placed throughout the courtyard to inspire the EGHS student body to be kind throughout their day. Check out some of the fun designs over to the left! BE KIND.

We are also thrilled that later in the year, A-K Students had the opportunity to also join the project and spread some kindness of their own!

Tulips For Teachers!

Wicked Tulips Flower Farm was so kind this holiday season and donated thousands of tulip bulbs to different schools and organizations all across Rhode Island. They were packaged in brown paper bags and brought to the teachers lounge. The teachers are able to pick them up at their convenience. Thank you to all the teachers, faulty and staff at EGHS who have worked so incredibly hard this school year!

Necessities Drive!

We are ran a Necessities Drive from December 7th to December 18th in partnership with the EGHS Student Council. So many have had financial troubles only intensified by the pandemic and this drive is to help them get their bare necessities to help with the holiday season. Freshmen donated socks, mittens, and hats. Sophomores brought shampoo and conditioner bottles. Juniors gave soap and deodorant. And finally seniors, donated travel size items and toothbrushes and toothpaste. It ended in quite a success as so many were helped!

Check out the donations below!

Kindness Mural!

Everyone in the club worked hard to create this mural in the library representing all the aspects of kindness that our club promotes.

Luck of the Kind Week!

The EG Kindness Project is holding a LUCK OF THE KIND week and all EGHS students are invited to participate! Every day, a new theme will be presented and students will report their acts of kindness on a Google Form. QR codes are available to scan around the school so students can report their kindness. Each form submission will count as 1 raffle ticket. At the end of the week, 5 students will be called out to receive a prize. Included here is a link to the form so DL students can also participate. Around the school are posters with QR codes for everyone to scan allowing you to submit your acts of kindness. Each submission will count as one raffle ticket and at the end of the week, the Kindness Project will hold the raffle to select 5 lucky winners. Good luck to everyone!

Letter Writing: Teacher Appreciation

To thank our teachers, past and present, students from in and out of the club joined us to write letter of appreciation. We are so thankful for all our teachers do for us and were glad to share our appreciation. Letters were written to teachers from EGHS, Cole Middle School, Eldredge, Hannaford and Frenchtown Elementaries.

Additional Highlights

Over the 2020 - 21 year we also accomplished some smaller projects that we would love to share, although we don't have huge detail or photos.

  • Cards for COVID-19 Field Hospitals

    • We wrote and decorated cards for patients, nurses and doctors in local field hospitals during the pandemic.

  • Volunteering Opportunities

    • A highlight to members of our club who volunteered at EGHS Courtyard Clean-ups and Cole Middle School Events as well as many other programs throughout the year.