
Flight Path

Spot Tracker Movement.pdf

Spot Trace app updates

Spot Trace Movement.xlsx

official spot messages

Team Dead Tired

EAGLE Flight Computer - Raider I.xlsx

flight computer data

Tracking timeline

**Time Clarification – SPOT TRACKER message times are 2-hours earlier that actual. SPOT TRACKER App times are 7-hours earlier than actual. Flight computer also 2-hours behind CET.

  • 0926 – 1148 (Pre-Launch)

    • All tracking systems were tested for functionality. Batteries were fully charged the night before. Both the SPOT Tracker and GPS Tracker were functioning correctly the morning of the launch.

  • 1148 (Launch)

    • Although the launch occurred at 1148, the SPOT Tracker Message System registered the launch at 0948 while the SPOT Tracker App registered the launch at 0448. Unfortunately neither system was set for Central European Time (lesson learned for next launch).

  • 1221 (STOP Message)

    • False Alarm from SPOT Tracker App (4,121m)

  • 1306 (STOP Message)

    • Second False Alarm from SPOT Tracker App (9,701m)

  • 1312 (Large Drop in Altitude)

    • Payload drops from 9,701m to 605m and indicates extreme rapid descension. Immediate reaction is that payload is falling without parachute and/or another false reading.

    • Both cars/van head toward GPS coordinates

    • Flight computer later reveals that payload was still ascending

  • 1316 – 1406 (Ascent)

    • Future app readings indicate ascent through 9,176m

    • Team is befuddled and continue to question readings

    • Team continues to locate payload

  • 1411 (Immediate Drop)

    • App readings indicate an immediate drop to -103m

    • Team immediately recognizes SPOT Tracker App is INOP

  • 1411 – 1600 (Search and Rescue)

    • Team continues to search for payload using SPOT Tracker App with no success

    • No signal from GPS Tracker TK 102-2

    • Team goes home brokenhearted without payload

  • 1543 (Balloon Bursts)

    • Flight computer reveals that high altitude balloon bursts at 33,430m or (109,168ft)

  • 1625 (Payload Lands)

    • Flight Computer indicates no further descent at a resting altitude of 237 meters

    • Team still enroute home

  • 1625 – 2115 (Team at home)

    • Team is distraught at the loss of a 6-month project

    • No video or experiment data to be had

  • 2115 (WhatsAPP Rescue Text)

    • Mr. Robinson receives text from stranger stating he has found the payload

    • Holder of payload used LAST RESPORT contact information taped to the wooden structure to make initial contact

    • Mr. Robinson learns that payload is located in Ober-Hilbersheim (50 km away) and races eagerly to obtain vessel

  • 2000 (Payload Retrieved)

    • Payload retrieved from gracious recipient.

    • Founder stated that the balloon and vessel landed on his fence and startled his chickens. He looked in his backyard to find the payload on his fence

    • 0800 (3 June) - Payload Arrives at School