J.K. Mendel Physical Education

PE At Home Resources

Hello students & parents!

I hope everyone is staying safe out there and I will miss teaching you in PE class while we are not at school, but the good news is you already have all the skills, tools and knowledge you need to keep your body healthy.

I hope you can use all that we’ve learned in PE this year to stay active each day and if it’s safe and the weather is nice you could even try to get outside and play in your yards to keep yourselves active.

I’ve included some daily workouts for you to try out each week. I have also linked up a ton of additional resources and activities that you can check out if you get bored or need a fun activity to do.

Select the tab at the top of this page based on your grade level. Then select the lesson for the week.

Stay Safe, Have Fun & Keep Yourself Active!

Coach Menzel

Mendel Virtual Learning Specials Schedule (All Specials by grade/day)

For families with multiple students in multiple grade levels feel to combine your kids & all do the specials class together on the same day of your choice. This is flexible so you can do what's best for your family.