
Welcome to my coding in Minecraft page. This game is not only fun but also educational it teaches you how to code, digital citizenship and many more amazing things. This game is about creativity, coding and how to be nice to others online. I really enjoyed this coding experience through my journey through activities, lessons and much more if you see this I recommend you try it out.

I got this award by completing coding in minecraft.

  1. Add screenshots of the code you wrote to get your agent to build your town AND provide the actual MakeCode files to allow anyone to download your code and recreate your basic structures.

  2. Explain one of your code screenshots to show that you understand how the code works.

  3. Record a screencast video of your Lessons 6 & 7 town to show off your creation!

This code that I did for Lesson 4 Assessment 1 made a hollow tower.

This code made a tunnel. This was Lesson 4 Assessment 2.

I coded my agent to do this build and I think that it is around 20 blocks tall.

Lesson 7

I got this idea from my big building and made a little one from inspiration.

Lesson 7

This Lesson was all about fixing and errors in the code.

Lesson 4