
Welcome to my robotics Portfolio Where u can learn about lots of cool facts about robots. One of the projects we are doing are Lunar. This is our robot ↑ we named him wallie if u have ever seen the movie wallie. My partner was Emaline.R our Robot did not really work! his end was too heavy So he just broke we put the Spikes on the tires So it could get through all the sand Cause if u use rubber then it just gets stuck and cant move and the front tires were the only tires moving the robot so we had to add a wheel under and in the very back also for support But as u can see the scoop Is not on we had like 5 minuet's cause we forgot we had to program him so we had me build and Emaline programing. The project was to make the robot pick up the soil and put And Put it in a basket so if we were really sending it into space it would pick up the soil and bring it back to earth so we can do research.