This is a short video I made about my favorite hobby, Gundam plastic model kits.

Most likely my best work, "Brad X" is a thrilling martial arts film, the first created by A.T.U.G. pictures.

A follow-up to "Brad X", "G.I. JOSE: THE BOAT HEIST" was filmed on location in the Atlantic ocean. The fight choreography is my proudest part about this film.

About The Senior

Aiden Bobel is a proud member of A.T.U.G. (est. 2017), an activist group from the city of Chicago with a value in brotherhood and camaraderie. He sees the establishment of A.T.U.G. as the greatest accomplishment of his life.

(A.T.U.G. Pictured)

The future

Aidan's dream for the future is to become a comic book illustrator, and to be a good father.