Goddard 21-22

Hi there! Welcome to our website! We decided to make this to pass on to future Goddard teams so they can have an understanding of what we did this year and how we brought our ideas to life.

Mission Statement

To design, construct, launch, and fully recover a rocket that will carry a scientific payload and reach an apogee of 50,000 feet.

From left to right: Mr. McLeod, Jacob Markham, Riley Kuhlman, Ella Mulholland, Ian Humphrey, Josh Warren, Evan Andress, Josh Watson, Kyle Evangelista, Cristian Finley, Karim Elyoussef, JD Pyle, Sarah Laurel, Kade Sullivan, Saylor Sherrodd, Maggie Harr, Jase Sandefur, Austin Morrow, Noah Alexander, and Rory Duncanson.

Lead Engineer:

Karim Elyoussef


Riley Kuhlman

Jase Sandefur

Saylor Sherrodd


Jacob Markham

Ella Mulholland

Kade Sullivan

Josh Warren

Sarah Laurel


Tanner Ross

Isaac Deavenport


Kyle Evangelista

Josh Watson

Cristian Finley

Rory Duncanson

Evan Andress

Ian Humphrey

Noah Alexander


Karim Elyoussef

Austin Morrow

JD Pyle

Maggie Harr

Saylor Sherrodd