
Meet Our Payload Team!

Saylor Sherrodd and Maggie Harr worked together on the payload for the rocket, but Saylor focused on the upper payload and Maggie focused on the lower payload.

Dinoflagellate Carriage

"I had just gotten back from the bioluminescent bay in Puerto Rico and remembered that we had to change our payload because it wouldn't work. I was curious to see what would happen to dinoflagellate (a bioluminescent algae) at 5 Gs considering they normally only glow with agitation in the water. However to my intuition, if all the water is moving at the same acceleration it shouldn't be agitated" - Saylor Sherrod

Close-up of dinoflagellates

CAD of upper payload

Pressure Transducer w/ Temperature Sensor

"Not only are we collecting ox tank data for our own team, but also to give future teams a reference of ox tank behaviors. With that reference, they can use the existing data to help design their own rockets." - Maggie Harr

The pressure transducer is the black Omega in the bottom right. The temperature sensor is the aluminum cord looping into the ox tank.