Mrs. Vogels Second Grade


(School Wide Effective Behavior Support)

Here at Boyertown Elementary we have implemented a comprehensive, school wide set of strategies to support positive behavior for all students.  SWEBS focuses on encouraging appropriate behavioral expectations and preventing problem behaviors.  Boyertown Elementary has adopted 5 BEARS rules which are posted throughout the building and in every classroom. All students are expected to follow these 5 rules. At the beginning of the year the students are taught each of the rules thoroughly and given several examples of the expected behavior. When students are seen following rules they are reinforced by being presented with a BEAR BUCK. Any teacher or staff member can hand out bear bucks to any student. Students save their bear bucks and then can cash them in for prizes. 

B - Be sure to follow staff directions the first time.

E - Everyone will walk quietly throughout the building.

A - Always keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

R - Remember to use kind words and actions.

S - Students will take ownership of their learning.