California Road Adventure

Have you ever wanted to visit California, or maybe some of its popular destinations like Los Angeles or Hollywood? Well, your in luck, this website has all you need to travel around the state.

About California

California, also called the Golden State is the most populated state in the Unites States of America (US), and the third largest in area. If you are outside the US, you may not recognize California at first. California is a state or province in the US.

Here are some landmarks in California:

  • Disney Land

  • Golden Gate Bridge

  • Hollywood

  • Death Valley National Park

  • Mojave Desert

  • Los Angeles (second most populated city in US)

Some popular destinations in California

Basic Trip Information


To participate in some of the activities on the planned road trip, you will need to pack few items as follows. In addition to a hat, a pair of sunglasses and some sunscreen it is a good idea to bring a pair of binoculars or a small telescope so that you can stargaze in Joshua Tree National Park and Mojave Desert. If you can not get a pair of binoculars or a small telescope you may enjoy the sky with your naked eye.


Your estimated cost of this trip is under $2000* excluding food prices if you don't splurge on expensive hotels. The budget includes national park fees, hotel prices, Universal Studios ticket prices for a family of 4 with one child under 10, whale watching ticket prices and gas costs.

*This is for a family of 4