Keep up the Workout Momentum with these Helpful Tips

by Katherine Sumner

Exercising during winter can be hard, especially for an athlete who usually relies on working out outside. When snow and ice make it difficult to go outside, here are some tips if you’re looking to stay fit and stay warm at the same time.

First of all, make sure you make full use of any equipment you already have. Treadmills, ellipticals, or similar exercise machines can be essential in staying fit. If you’re tired of just running straight or want some variety in your workouts, many treadmills and ellipticals have pre-set or customizable options for different types of workouts. These allow a user to customize things like incline and resistance in order to accurately simulate a real run. Even if you’re not a runner, these machines can still be useful for cross-training and staying active.

However, you don’t need fancy exercise equipment to stay in shape during the winter. Basic exercises such as push-ups, crunches, and jumping jacks require no equipment at all and are still extremely beneficial to your health. If you have weights on hand, or even heavy objects around your home, feel free to modify basic exercises by adding them to your routine.

Additionally, you can look to the internet for inspiration. YouTube has a myriad of workout tutorials for whatever you need, completely free. Channels like Chloe Ting. Melissa Bender, and Alex Costa focus on personal fitness with little to no special equipment, so their videos are perfect for indoor winter workouts. Also, the internet has tons of personalized workouts based on sports, so try searching for whatever sport you play to find the exercises that will work best for you.

During the holiday season, you also need to make sure you’re eating as healthy as possible. Note that this doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to indulge at all, or that you need to skip meals to make up for dessert- that mentality is actually more harmful than helpful and will set you back significantly in terms of both mental and physical health. Instead, just make sure to keep your diet balanced and to eat a variety of different foods- and, as always, stay well-hydrated.

Finally, keeping yourself mentally healthy during the winter is just as key as keeping yourself physically healthy. Short days cause a lack of sunlight, which can negatively affect your mood, so it’s important to get as much light as you can when the sun is up. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself and taking some time to rest. Not every second of your day has to be productive- it’s okay to take time off, even from workouts. Mental and physical health go hand-in-hand, so although the two may seem unrelated, saving time for self-care is an essential part of staying in shape.

Even when you’re stuck inside, it’s easy to get a workout in- whether you use machines, basic exercises, or internet tutorials. Just make sure you’re also taking care of your diet and your mental health, and you’ll be all set for success!