Senior Supplement 2021

The Warrior is proud to present the Senior Supplement which contains the Post-Grad plans of the Class of 2021 along with final statements from our graduating Editors in Chief and various Nisky teachers. As a Disclaimer, The Warrior has attempted to reach out to every individual in the class, but some did not want their plans included and others did not respond to attempts to contact them, and thus these individuals were not included in the list. All information was collected independently, and thus some inaccuracies may exist, however we have tried to reconfirm the info to the best of our abilities.

Class of 2021 Senior Responses

A Fork In the Road

by Kevin Kwon, Editor In Chief

The ending of any journey always brings with it a mix of emotions, but this one feels particularly bittersweet. Twelve years ago, we began our schooling as 1st graders, happily oblivious to everything around us. Now, as we leave much older and hopefully much wiser, we are being handed the reins to our lives and our futures, no longer constrained by a K-12 educational system. It's a freedom that is new for many of us, and a freedom that is in many ways as terrifying as it is exciting. After all, we are no longer traveling down the same path. Friends we spent years walking the halls with will now be separated by states and oceans. In an increasingly interconnected and competitive society, we are all now among the millions that are striving every day to find their own place within it, tasked with the burden of shaping and improving a deeply imperfect world.

However, the end of any journey is marked by the birth of a new one, and I have faith that the sum of all our individual journeys and adventures will be greater than those that came before us. Our generation has always known great turmoil; we have never known a time without war, we were born into a post 9/11 America, we have experienced 2 brutal recessions and now we are fighting to contain a global pandemic that has taken many lives and will take many more before it runs its course. Yet through it all, we have remained steadfast in our ideals and the changes we want to see in the world, from Black Lives Matter to March for Our Lives to the Paris Accords. Wherever life takes us, and whatever life throws at us, I have confidence that we can get up, rebuild, and keep forging our own paths forward.

This supplement marks the end of this particular chapter of our lives, and so I invite you to come back to it every now and then. Reminisce on a time before we reached the fork in our road together and find solace in the fact that you aren't alone in a world full of uncertainty. This is only the beginning for us, so seize every opportunity and face the future with hope and energy, because our real journeys begin now. Congratulations to the Class of 2021, it has been my honor to serve as your editor in chief and I wish you all the best. In the words of David Thoreau: "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams and live the life you have imagined." Thank you.

-Kevin Kwon, 2021


by Katarina Mills, Editor In Chief

The Class of 2021 is graduating. That statement still doesn’t seem real. Mentally many of us are still second semester juniors. Ideally, looking back as a senior I wanted to talk about our junior prom, senior gala, our last homecoming; there’s so much more that we did not get to experience. Now just like that, our high school career is ending. We’ve seen our classmates through a computer screen and a few in person behind their masks. To say we’ve missed out on a lot is still an understatement. But if you know me, and even if you don’t, I’m not about focusing on what could have been. So even though this final year of high school was not at all what we anticipated, we are one of the strongest groups to graduate from Niskayuna.

First and foremost, we survived a global pandemic that took a toll on all of us mentally and physically. Constant change became normal and we rolled with the punches.

Additionally, let’s reflect on previous school years that were not in a global pandemic. We experienced friendly gatherings at lunch, formal concerts, and classes where we carried on long passionate discussions. It’s likely that our fondest memories were not from our senior year, but I hope we can all have a good takeaway from sometime throughout our high school career.

Our teachers and staff from Niskayuna High School have been here with us through it all. They've been with us through our chubby, brace face stages (maybe not all of you had those but I know I certainly did). They saw how we couldn’t use the proper ‘there’, graph y=x², or conjugate Spanish verbs in the subjunctive. Now we are young adults who have come so far and have learned new skills with their help.

Teachers at Niskayuna work to make lasting relationships with their students, which has been increasingly difficult since we've been icons on a screen. Regardless of our stubborn will in keeping our cameras off, teachers continued to build connections. My favorite example of this was when Mrs. Pizzino-Catalano made sure to ask us a question for attendance in each class. We discussed topics from mental health to our preference between apples and oranges.

As you head off into the rest of your life, remember that the staff from Niskayuna School District are here to support you. If you happen to see them at the Co-op or in Stewart’s, it doesn't hurt to catch them up on the happenings in your life. Those small town reunions can be heartwarming or awkward, depending on what you make of them.

The whirlwind of this year has made it nearly impossible to plan our next step. With regulations and cases of Covid fluctuating every week, we never knew what would be safe. What was supposed to be a two week break turned seemingly endless. Those dreams we’d been pursuing such as getting the lead in the musical, going on the Spanish exchange trip, and carrying on fun traditions in our clubs, became crushed. Yet, there's still hope, Class of 2021.

More than ever, graduation opens up a world of possibilities for our future. The coming summer we eagerly wait to attend concerts once again, have huge sports events and spend quality time in person. Then in just a few months, many of us will head to college or start careers in a somewhat normal fashion.

Here’s to yet another change but at this point, that’s nothing we can’t handle.

Notes from Our K-8 Teachers

Dear Class of 2021,

I know 6th grade seems like a long time ago from your perspective, but it was not all that long ago from my perspective! When I glance through the names of this year’s graduates, many happy memories come to mind from our math classes and from your 6th grade year. Lots of learning took place that year, but more importantly, lots of personal growth took place. Now you are all on the precipice of another year of tremendous personal growth, no matter what path you follow (or blaze). You are like that 6th grader all over again; nervous and excited all at once, unsure of what your future holds, maybe even worried about making new friends at your new place of study or as you enter the workforce. Remember those important lessons learned so many years ago about having patience, perseverance, and being kind to others. Your Niskayuna education has prepared you well and you are ready to begin your next journey. Congratulations and best wishes to each of you. ~Mrs. Tylock, Van Antwerp Math teacher

Best Wishes to my 5th grade class from Birchwood 2014! All the best! Mrs. DiRienzo

Congratulations Class of 2021! Pay attention to your DREAMS and move towards them everyday.

~Ms. Trish O'Sullivan

Craig Elementary School

Dear Class of 2021,

Your hard work has paid off and earned you this achievement! Go out and make a positive change in this world. Remember to stay humble, kind, and be true to yourself and others. In the words of Dr. Seuss, "You're off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so...get on your way!" I know you'll accomplish amazing things! Congratulations!

Best regards,

Mrs. Collins


To the class of 2021: Congratulations to all of you. Just remember: Always be humble, always be kind, and always make sure you vote at every opportunity. Wishing you the very best. Mr. Frank

Dear Class of 2021,

I wish you the very best in the future. I want to give a special congratulations to my nephew, Chase. See you all at graduation.


Cindy Yetto, Iroquois Middle School