Fall Sports Have Begun at Niskayuna High School

by Brenna McLaughlin

For the past two weeks the fall athletes of Niskayuna high school have been back practicing for their shortened season. A few modifications have been made this year due to the ongoing Coronavirus epidemic such as moving more high risk sports like volleyball, football and fall cheer leading to the Fall II season in the spring and the new mask wearing rule at all games and practices. Another rule that is being enforced by New York State is that only 2 spectators per athlete are permitted at all sporting events. On top of that, sectional competition is suspended for this season. While these changes may be a little upsetting for some seniors who have waited their whole high school career for their senior season, ultimately the ability to even have a season is what is motivating for many.

On Saturday October 2nd, the Niskayuna Girls Varsity Soccer team had their first game of the season against Troy. They were able to pull off a 7-0 win against their opponent. This was our first glimpse as to how the team will hopefully continue to perform this year. I was able to interview two of the seniors on the team to find out how they have been able to adjust under these new guidelines, how their game went and their goals for this upcoming season.

Brenna McLaughlin: What were you doing over quarantine to get ready for this season?

Lindsey Matthews: Over quarantine I just tried to stay active. I went on runs, worked with a ball, anything I could do.

Erin Hensel: I did a lot of long distance and sprint running at the high school this summer and I tried to do abs everyday. I also played for my club team Firestorm all summer.

BM: How has adjusting to wearing a mask at practice been?

LM: It’s definitely not ideal to have to wear a mask, but this is better than the alternative. You definitely get used to it.

EH: It's been pretty interesting. It's definitely hard to breathe when you're wearing it while running up and down the field.

BM: Do you think your team is well prepared for this season?

LM: I think everyone came in excited and ready to play, especially since our season was up in the air for a while.

BM: With the reigning Section 2 champion team Bethlehem playing in the Fall II season, which teams will you look to as competition this year?

LM: There’s a lot of good teams in our league. Obviously Shen is always one of our big games, as well as Shaker.

EH: Shen, Shaker, Saratoga and Guilderland are always good competition.

BM: Without a Section 2 Title up for grabs this year, what are some goals you have for this season?

EH: We want to try to go undefeated this season. Being able to motivate each other to keep going and stay focused is definitely another goal we have.

BM: How did your game against Troy go?

LM: The game against Troy went really well. I think even though it was our first game we already started clicking as a team.

EH: It went really well because we were able to work together as a team. We ended up winning the game 6-0.

Hopefully the rest of the season goes just as well for the Warriors in girls soccer as well as all of the other fall sports. Let’s go Warriors!