Boys Swim and Dive Continues

by Brenna McLaughlin

As the Coronavirus continues to impact school, athletics and other activities, the majority of winter sports at Niskayuna highschool have been put on hold due to their high risk classifications and indoor competition. One of the few sports that has been allowed to compete since the beginning of December is the Niskayuna Varsity boys swim and dive team. Because swimming and diving are both seen as low risk and the ability to have virtual competitions, they have been cleared to practice and hold meets. Much like the girls season, meets have taken place both virtually and in person to accommodate other school districts that may not allow for in person competition.

Although the structure of the season and the usual Sectional meet has been changed, the team has continued to swim and dive to competitive times and scores. As of now, the team has a 3-2 record, with wins against Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake, Bethlehem and CBA-Troy. With only a few weeks remaining in their season before the Suburban Council meet, I interviewed a few members of the team to hear how this season has been for them.

Brenna McLaughlin: How has this season been different from previous seasons?

Ethan Boehmer: This season is definitely weird, the team just feels less connected overall being that we can't really have team functions or even a locker room. We’re still making it through, but the usual camaraderie is sadly not really there.

Evan Boyle: It’s different not having any spectators or anyone to race. We have to guess how fast our opponents will be and go faster and then wait until the results have been posted.

Conor Compton: Well this season is a lot different given we have to practice social distancing and as a diver we have to wear our masks whenever we aren’t in the pool.

BM: Do you have any big postseason meets to look forward to?

E Boyle: Like the fall sports, Suburban Council has agreed to get together to make a meet like sectionals where a couple of teams will race together and all the points will be tallied up to see who won.

CC: With states being canceled I get to look forward to our modified sectionals, but to be honest I have no clue what to expect! I’m just glad we get to compete in general.

BM: What has been your favorite meet moment so far?

E Boehmer: Finding out that we had beaten Bethlehem, and by more than Coach Tanski expected us to. It's just great to be in the water and racing and see everyone get better at every meet.

CC: I’ve been able to compete in some really big new dives which I have been really excited about!

BM: What are your team and individual goals for the rest of the season?

E Boehmer: My goals for the team are to just keep putting in the most work we can and not letting a weird season get everyone down. Everyone wants to do well and win midseason, but the big thing that we really want to push this year is just to keep our eyes on the endgame and put in all our work now to see it payoff then. My individual goal for the season is to, even though there are no states meet, make the states cut time in 100 breast and potentially get the school record.

E Boyle: I’d love to win some relays at Suburban Councils.

CC: My biggest goal is to break 300 points with 6 dives. As for the team I hope we continue to win meets and make it to compete as one of the top 3 teams in the section.

BM: How are you motivated to swim fast and dive well without competition right next to you?

E Boehmer: We do have virtual meets, and it's definitely a different atmosphere. Our coach has been trying to set it up so everyone has competition within the team next to them, but it can never compare to actually seeing an opponent from a different school next to you. Like I said before, most of my motivation and, I hope the rest of the team, comes from the thought of the championship meet at the end of the season.

E Boyle: It’s super hard to race by yourself but it’s good for learning how to pace different events without relying on other people.

CC: Well lucky for me I don’t have to worry about swimming fast but I still have to make sure I dive well and stay as consistent as possible with those higher scores! The thing I tell myself and the other divers before every meet is do a little bit better than you did last week. The more you worry about the competition, the more you get in your head about it. Even though diving is very physical it is also a mental game you have to stay mentally strong especially when you don’t have a good dive or a good meet. You need to tell yourself I got this. That’s why I love the whole idea of doing a little bit better than you did last week because it adds that goal without overloading you with pressure.

The next competition the boys will face is Schenectady on February 3, and then they only have a dual meet against Shaker before the Suburban Council championship meet. Let’s hope that the boys improve on their record and continue to adapt to the changes that this season presents.