Get to Know: Griffin Hall

by Griffin Hall

I’m Griffin and I enjoy writing jokes, listening to music and studying history and languages. I sing in Concert Chorale and have been rowing for 6 years.

Throughout my high school career, I was one to always work hard at my academics and athletics. However, I felt that awards and achievements didn’t make it seem that way, since I received only a few. As an athlete, doing crew for my entire high school career, I worked on the balance between that sport and my life as a student. I may not have been automatically praised or rewarded for my grades but regardless, I took my studies and my sport very seriously. To this day, I always participate and complete my assignments to the best of my ability, hoping to reap these rewards in the near future. Eventually, my strenuous academic work did lead to an amazing achievement, my induction into the National Honors Society. Getting into National Honors Society wasn’t a defined goal for me and my induction was something I never expected to happen, not even in a million years! Nonetheless, it is a real point of pride and showed me that I am physically and mentally capable of doing more than I thought. These years have gone by fast. Looking back, I’ve surprised myself.

In high school, I also earned a few small awards for language studies, which I love and take pride in as well. However, my greatest achievement so far is being able to maintain the friends I have had for years. Additionally, I am still managing to make new ones at Niskayuna High School today. Friendship means a lot to me.

While my plans for the future are not set in stone, I hope to pursue a career in media or entertainment. All things considered, my high school career has been a great ride. I hope to remember all of my experiences as a teenager later on in life.