Clubs Continue in Present Circumstances

by Alex Mavian

The beginning of the school year is a time normally filled with school-wide events, such as the Club Fair and Pep Rally, with the goal of encouraging students to become more involved at Niskayuna High School. This year, of course, things will be quite different. With large in-person gatherings being near impossible to safely hold, these events will either take a different form or be completely canceled. This is especially difficult for freshmen and those new to the school district, as these events provide a solid introduction to the culture of the school. With the different circumstances and the already unusual start to the year, it will be significantly more challenging for students to join the over 60 clubs that Niskayuna claims “supplement the academic program, provide meaningful community service opportunities, and allow students to pursue their passions.”

However, there is a plan. According to the Assistant Principal, Anthony Malizia, “a few students are working on developing a web site that includes all the clubs with their information.” The specifics of how students will be joining clubs have not been decided, but a virtual club fair will likely occur. And while this is not ideal, in some ways, this might work out better. In past years, there have been some mixed feelings around the activities fair, many believing it to be quite overwhelming. With the large crowds and many stands, it can be difficult to see all the clubs and sign up for them. A virtual club fair could provide a solution to those problems. While it is undoubtedly a difficult time for students, clubs are also facing challenges to conducting business virtually. Most clubs meet after school and many rely on fundraising, both of which will not be allowed for the time being. So how are some clubs handling the current situation?

In many cases, clubs have adapted quite well to their present circumstances given that there has been a lot of time to plan for this year. For example, the Academic Resource Center, one of the largest organizations in the school, is still providing virtual tutoring services which they had begun last spring. Other clubs, such as Science Bowl, have been meeting virtually to conduct their practices. A member of such club, junior, Shivam Gupta, says “our Science Bowl team has found ways to simulate normal competition circumstances using Google Meets and other online resources and although the COVID-19 situation threw at us an obstacle in achieving our main goal, we didn’t let it phase us and we continued to stay strong and work hard.” And of course, The Warrior, is also still operating through the website on which you are reading this article.

With the numerous clubs Niskayuna has to offer, it would be foolish not to try to get involved. It may be different this year, but extracurriculars are still an essential part of high school. For freshman, clubs can allow you to pursue your interest in a fun environment while making new friends and for upperclassmen, becoming a club officer can be a great opportunity to gain some leadership experience. Make sure to look out for the virtual club fair that is being planned. Or on your own, email the advisors to a club that you are interested in; the clubs and emails are all listed on the high school’s website. But regardless of how you do so, try to join a club this year or continue devoting time to clubs in which you are already involved. They are a great opportunity and have significant impacts on the school and the community.