Warrior Project Hosts Charitable Bingo Night

by Colby Geer

As COVID-19 vaccinations become more readily available for Americans, public high schools are given more guidance on how their extracurricular activities should operate. At Niskayuna High school, sports and clubs are beginning to open up with normalcy. The Niskayuna Warrior Project is one of these organizations who were given permission to host fundraisers and activities for the Niskayuna community.

On May 1st, the Warrior Project held their first annual Bingo Event at River Road Park. The event began shortly after noon and lasted about an hour and a half. Approximately 30 participants played a six round bingo game, with prizes awarded to the winner of each round. While I observed people play, I was surprised to see how many people enjoyed the game. After every number was called, I always heard “yes, I got it” or “no, not this number” from the crowd. It was awesome to see how engaged the participants were.

Almost every participant I talked to stated that they wanted to win the coverall round more than everything. In a usual bingo game, the coverall round usually takes the longest since every number on your bingo card needs to be crossed off. When people heard that the coverall prize included personalized masks by the Warrior Project, everyone crossed their fingers. Especially in today's day and age, a mask is someone relatable to your underwear! You always need to have it on you. In addition to all of the excellent prizes, the Warrior Project offered free refreshments and snacks to all of the participants. Stewart’s Shops supplied a bin of chocolate bars, gummy bears and sodas as a donation to them.

The Warrior Project’s main intent of this event was trying to raise awareness for two needy organizations, The Wounded Warrior Project and Nisky NOW. According to the Warrior Project’s President, Jack Schiavo, he was very impressed with how the event went.

“It was very simple to organize,” Jack exclaimed. Similar to other clubs, the Warrior Project has had a difficult time raising awareness for needy organizations and bringing out school spirit this year. “One of the largest events we annually host is the Pep Rally, but unfortunately COVID-19 prohibited us from hosting it” stated Jack with frustration.

In the near future, I hope clubs like the Niskayuna Warrior Project are able to become more active. In my opinion, clubs, sports and other extracurricular activities are pivotal for students who aim to be successful.