
By Anonymous

October 18, 2023

In the mirror's gaze, I search for grace,

Yet, the reflection stares back, a somber face.

A canvas of doubts painted on my skin,

In the gallery of self-worth, where do I begin?

Eyes that question every curve and line,

A heart burdened by standards, not mine.

In the dance of comparison, I falter,

Feeling not pretty, my self-esteem alters.

The mirror whispers tales of inadequacy,

A cruel narrative, a relentless fallacy.

I measure my worth in society's gaze,

Forgetting my essence in the beauty maze.

In the kaleidoscope of perfection's light,

I fade into shadows, out of sight.

Skin that tells stories, each mark a chapter,

Yet, I edit my narrative, seeking a capture.

I long to wear confidence as my attire,

But the mirror reflects a different desire.

Not pretty enough, not good enough,

An internal battle, a struggle so tough.

Yet, in the quiet corners of my mind,

A truth emerges, gentle and kind.

Beauty isn't a mask I wear for show,

It's the radiance of the soul, a soft, inner glow.

I am more than the flaws I see,

A symphony of imperfection, beautifully me.

In the mirror's realm, I seek a truce,

Embracing self-love, finding my own muse.

For beauty lies not in a flawless face,

But in the acceptance of my unique grace.

Not pretty enough? The mirror may lie,

Yet, within, a resilient spirit can't be denied.