Welcome to my My Favorite Things page!

My first project was a big one it was to make a video out of some images we found on the web having some of my favorite things. Here is the link to the video : 221012 My Favorite Things - Grayson King and here is the video :

These are the images I used for my video, Giraffe, Snake, Spiders, Bacon, Tacos, Popcorn, Video Games, Baseball, and Snowboarding. Here is the song bensound.com

There were lots of steps involved in creating our video first I had to write an outline and a 5 paragraph about my favorite things. This helped me learn about word processing and how to name, save and organize our files. I Then used the outline to guide a search using Google Images to find, save and document 9 big pictures from the internet.

I learned how to use Photoshop to make our images, at least some of them, look a lot better for our video and I learned how to make text and backgrounds that look really nice so I could use them in my video and the different things we liked.

I had to keep track of where each image came from so we could list the websites where we found them at the end of our video. They didn't have to be the same size but had to be 1920 x 1080 for my video and if I didn't I couldn't animate them the way we did.

My Images for My Favorite Things

This is my essay about my favorite things.

My Favorite Things

By: Grayson King


             1 Giraffe

    2 Snake

    3 Spider


    4 Bacon

    5 Taco

    6 Popcorn


    7 Video Games

    8 Baseball

    9 Snowboarding






     Hi I’m Grayson and this is my Favorite Things project. I have seen lots of animals, have a lot of hobbies, and eaten a lot of food, one of my favorite things.


        I really like animals But, I have some favorites. These are my three favorite animals starting with giraffes. I LOVE giraffes they are so cute and laid back. They can run up to 35mph and they don’t fight they run. My next favorite animal is snakes. I like snakes because even though they are very territorial they can be a very chill and laid back animal. Also not all snakes lay eggs. My next favorite animal is spiders. I like spiders because they have eight eyes and legs! Also females can lay up to 3,000 eggs!


        I’ve eaten a lot of food But, I have favorites. These are my three favorite foods starting with bacon. Bacon is just AMAZING! Its super good, it crunches, and it’s really flavorful. Bacon was made in 1500 BC by the Chinese when they cooked pork with pig fat. My next favorite food is tacos. I like bean and cheese tacos, beef and cheese tacos, and bacon and cheese tacos. I really like tacos they are pretty good. My next favorite food is popcorn. I really like popcorn and it goes good with a good movie. Popcorn is one of, if not my favorite movie item.


       I have a lot of hobbies but I have a few favorites. These are my three favorite hobbies starting with video games. You can’t go wrong with some snacks and video games. Video games are wonderful and some are educational like Baldi’s basics. Video games are one of my favorite things to do. My next favorite hobby is baseball. I LOVE baseball but, I don’t like watching it I like playing it. I like going to practice with my friends, I like going to games, and I like playing tournaments. My friends are about fifty percent of the reason I like baseball. My last Favorite hobby is snowboarding. I really like to snowboard at Purgatory, Colorado. My brother and I go every spring break and we go to snowboarding school too.


       In conclusion those were my favorite categories and things. I liked making this project and I like eating food, playing video games, and animals. That was the Grayson King 2022 My Favorite Things project.