In this unit, we will be creating our own functional apps in MIT App Inventor where we can make the apps and use them. We will also be using coding in the apps to make them functional. The QR-code to the left of this text is how to temporarily download my app and test out the apps I've made.

The first app I made is Hello Codi, it's where you click on an image of a bee and it makes a buzzing sound.

Thesecond to last app I made is called Paint Pot, it's where you can color in an image just like a coloring book. This is also the main app we will be focusing on.  When I finished making the app, it had a lot of buttons with different functions for them. One of them was the magic button, where if clicked would randomize the color your using, like magic. I also added all the colors of the rainbow for more variety. I made it so when you click the color buttons, it would say the name of the 

The second app I made is called Talk to Me, it's where if if you type something into the text box, it says what you typed. Also if you shake your device, it will say something too.

The next app I made is called Ball Bounce, it's where  there's a bouncing ball that you can control with your finger.

The last app I made is Digital Doodle, it's where you can draw freely on a blank canvas.

The images below are the blocks or the coding for the apps.

This is the Hello Codi blocks. It may not look like much, but it can get complicated really easily.

The Talk To Me blocks are a little complicated but it's still simple.