221011 My Favorite Things - David Murray (VBR16) WITH MUSIC.mp4

This is my Favorite Things project! We made this to show all our favorite things. Watch the video to find out about my favorite things.

Hi! My name is David. This is an essay about me! I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas.

I am a producer and play the drums, bass, and the guitar which are my favorite instruments. I have made music since I was little and plan to continue music for the rest of my life.

Speaking of music I love Travis Scott, Playboi Carti, and Joey Valence. Travis Scott is by far my favorite especially if Mike Dean produces for him.

Kanye west is a producer, (and artist) ,that I like and I also like Pierre Bourne, and Metro Boomin who are both producers as well. They all produce rap music.

Those were all my favorite things and I loved writing this and I hope you enjoyed reading this!