Dec 2023.

Hello! This is the first time I am writing in my reflection section. It is used to reflect (hence the name) on our activities we have done in class as well as our assignments. Right now, I'm in a tough place with my work and social life, having to balance them out is a challenge. In my opinion, the ability of being able to balance them is a gift. It seems to me finding a balance is like finding Atlantis. If I try to help one side, it drops the other, which only leads to harm; to myself or others. I'm focusing on that main balance, which is a isle unto thyself. I'm casually bringing my grade up, but with the cutoff right around the block, I pray to finish everything on time. The best way to finish this off is, in my opinion a quote by one of history's idols, Winston Churchill: "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."

   ~Max Robles

May 23, 2023.

So close. Doing this school year has put my foot in the grave already. However, somehow, I was able to pull through the work, and stop the bleeding, there will be a stain. Everything may happen over and over, but this year? Never again. 

~Max Robles