When the new year began, we had started the thing we all had wanted to start: 3D Modeling!

We started learning Sketchup when we got back, here is the image we took of our house unpainted and our cubes!

We had started working on our house, and here is the video we took of it.

When we finished our SketchUp model, we started working with Blender!

230208 Simple House Test Spin 100 percent0001-0090.mp4

Once we were done with our house, we got to make our own  modern art!

230215 Modern Art 100%0001-0300.mp4

When I joined this program, the one thing I really wanted to learn was  3D Modeling, when we started this I got upset about the house and all the steps with it. But when it came to the modern art, I just excelled because I was free to do my own bidding. If you are reading this and want to join this program, do it! You'll love it!