About DATA

As you know, I go to the school DATA at Ed White middle school. What is DATA? DATA stands for the Design And Technology Academy, so It's a school for people who are interested in tech and design. All the stuff I did in this portfolio wouldn't be possible without my tech teachers teaching me how to do all this stuff. The teachers here challenge you, they won't go easy on you for anything, they expect you to get As Bs and Cs, and to get all your work done on time, and efficiently. But if your struggling with an assignment, or just need clarification or to get all your work caught up, they all offer tutoring sessions at different times of the day, like before class, during lunch, and after school. They're all so supportive and still know how to make lessons challenging and fun.

Here's the address so you can come and kidnap the kids... JUST KIDDING! it's so you can see where it is and maybe come to an gathering if you want.