This house was made using Sketchup. This house had to be very precise when I was making it. Some of the steps that I did to make this house was very hard and I didn't ket them the first try. For example the windows I had to do many many times to get them the right. I feel like the easiest part of this house was the door. I think the door was the easiest part because all I had to do was draw a rectangle and use the offset tool then the push pull tool and BOOM the door was done.

230208 Simple House 10 second spin 100% Lopez Cameron 0001-0300.mp4

 This is a 10 second 100 percent video that I made with the house from  Sketchup then I used blender to create the video. I had some trouble with the windows when I had first started in blender. The problem I had was that the windows were not the right color and just looked awful. But it reality the whole thing was really fun and all worth it.

230222 Cameron Lopez Modern Art 10000-0300.mp4

This is my video that I made in blender. I made the model in SketchUp and the put it in blender to make the video. I had first had the whole model messed up and couldn't use it in blender. So I had to go back to SketchUp and repaint the whole model to get it right. So after I did that I went back to blender and made the video.