Three N 1 

This is my robot called the Three N 1. I made it in Photoshop

This is the logo for my Three N 1.

This photo shows all the uses for my robot.

Elevator pitch

Hello I am Rohan Gokhale. I  help bored people stay on their toes by producing random surprises. One day Timothy Boble Vin the III was very very bored. So he decided to go onto the internet because why not and he saw an ad for the Three N 1™. It was only $100 and Timothy decided to buy it. When it came in the package, he wondered why it was a cone. While trying to figure it out Timothy became unbored. The next day it wasn’t a cone and the Three N 1™ produced a three toed ferret. Timothy and the Three N 1™ had lots of fun and Timothy was never bored again. Go to our website, call the number you see on T.V. ads, or click on our ads. But before you go just know that there is a scam knock off robot called the Three n 1© so don’t buy it.