This is my 3D Models page, here I put the models that I have made.

I made them using SketchUp and blender to do animations to the models.

The first Model that I made in our first 3D model assignment was practice. We had to stack some cubes with a specific measurement. 

The 2nd assignment was a simple unpainted house. It was fun and easy but when we finished we had to paint it.

Here is the video.

230121 Painted Simple House - Ryan Flores.mp4

The next step for the simple house was to import it to blender and make a animation spinning animation with it.

Here is the video.

230207 Simple House 10 second spin Test Spin 100 percent Ryan Flores0001-0300.mp4

The next thing we started was Modern art we had to create a model in SketchUp. Then we had to paint it and put it into blender and make an animation that showed us the Model spinning and the top of it.

Here is mine.

Here is the blender video.

230223 Modern Art 1.mp4

At the end of our 3D Models Unit we had to create a Sculpture. I created a Soccer hoverboard. We did not get to paint it but it is still cool.