This is all my writing in my ELAR class 2022-2023

-☆Hatchet Mini-Essay

Hatchet Struggles

Hatchet by Gary Paulsen stars a protagonist Brian Robeson. Brian faces many struggles in Hatchet. Brian is a thirteen-year-old boy who's helpless in the Canadian wilderness after a helicopter crash and left only a hatchet his mother gave to him. Throughout the book Brian gains many skills and endurance, which reminds me of the times I had to endure my hardships. At the climax of the book Brian survived two natural disasters, Brian taunts nature itself by saying, “Come on ... Is that the best you can do? Is that all you can hit me with—a moose and a tornado? … Well that won't get the job done.”. Like Brian I’ve had to overcome many struggles in the past, but my response to it is very different from Brian’s.

I relate to Hatchet to more personal struggles: things like homophobia, transphobia, and a lot of regrets I've made. It felt like my whole world was falling apart, but I overcame it by thinking about the better things that’ve happened to me. My response was very different from Brian’s. Instead of saying, “Is that all you’ve got?” I said, “I’ll be able to go through my next struggle after this.”

-☆Informational Writing and Narritive Retelling 2023

Princesses Rhyme and Reason Saved From The Tower

Just when we thought they would never return, this afternoon at 2:52 PM, Princess Rhyme and Reason were saved by a boy named Milo, the watchdog, Tock, and the humbug. “The princesses were in that tower for so long I didn’t think we would ever see them again.” a local from Digitopolis stated. The princesses were being interviewed, “I thought we would stay there forever,” said Rhyme, “I am grateful for the heroic journey they took to save us from that tower.” continued Reason.

“The journey was long and tiring, but we’ve met so many cool people there! We went all the way from Dictionopolis to Digitopolis to the tower where the princesses were kept.” Milo explains. “Yes yes, it was a long trip indeed.” Humbug replied. Tock had no further  comment on the matter.

The Mathemagician and King Azaz will be hosting a ceremony this evening to celebrate Rhyme and Reason’s return for all the citizens of Digitopolis and Dictionopolis to come together and celebrate the princesses return. It will be hosted from 7:30 to 10:45 at King Azaz’s Palace.

2/21/23 Xlee Elim, News 21, Dictionopolis

-☆My Memoir

Birthday Present

It was April 12, a day before my birthday on April 13. I wasn’t really minding it much, I didn’t have any ideas or plans. But I had this one plan, I was going to come out to my parents on my birthday as a pansexual, currently an omnisexual. My parents weren’t always supportive or nice about my personal choices, they always wanted me to be their perfect daughter. Though I never wanted to be like that. I wondered if my parents were supportive or not. I was worried, scared, and unsure of what to tell them. I waited for the perfect moment to say something, I wanted to tell them how I feel.

I was going home from school one day, I was in the car with my dad. My dad from how I knew him, he was always the conservative catholic type. That should’ve told me what he thought. I asked him one simple question, that I now wish I never asked, “Do you support gay people?”

He responded, “No, if they're not in my family I guess they're okay.”

I wanted to cry. I felt tears forming in my eyes already. I couldn’t control it. I wanted it to stop. Unfortunately, my dad noticed. When we got home he told my mom everything. Why did he tell her? I was clearly upset about the situation. Wouldn’t it be better if he didn’t tell her? Shortly after, I was in a heated argument with both of my parents. We were both yelling at each other, it was horrific.

My mom then asked the question that changed everything, “Are you gay? Why do you keep defending them so much?”

I was thinking about my response, which was another big mistake I made. I took too long to just say no, and my mother saw right through me and figured out I was lying. I then gave in and told them the truth. My father absolutely went ballistic and lost it. He marched to the door and shouted at me saying, “I will not have a child of mine commit a sin like that! Get out of my house!”

He continued to shout, yell, and scream at me. I wanted to walk away. They had their eyes glued to me. I broke down in tears. My father continued to point at the door and yell at me. It went on for an hour. When he realized it was going nowhere he stormed off to his room, while I just stayed in the living room. My mind was everywhere, it was crazy. I had all these thoughts in my head, Why am I like this? Was I just confused? What’s wrong with me? I want to leave this place. I want to disappear. 

The next thing I know, I was crying then I fell asleep on the couch with my father looking at me dead in the eyes. It was horrific. He was looking at me like he was waiting for me to wake up. What a pleasant way to wake up. Right before I could say anything, my father ordered me to be hetero. I agreed, I lied, that’s not how I feel. I was scared of him getting mad at me again if I told him no, I didn’t want history to repeat itself. I went straight to my room and started crying the whole night away.

It was the next day after the argument. I was in my class. The counselor and a former teacher of mine, my kindergarten teacher, walked in and asked to speak with me.

I went into the counselor’s office and they told me that my dad had called and told them everything that happened yesterday. Why did he have to say anything? Why didn’t he just keep it to himself? I wanted to disappear. I already got it out of my head, why did I have to get reminded of it? I was relieved to hear that they support me. Around thirty to forty five minutes later I got sent to my classroom. My eyes were swollen up and were on the brink of tears.

I will never see my parents the same way ever again after what happened that day. Wow, what an interesting birthday that was.

-☆Persuasive Essay 2023

Community Service Hours Shouldn’t Be Mandatory

Do you ever feel like community service hours are annoying, irrelevant and a waste of time? Do you ever think that there are better things to do than doing your community service hours? I know that a majority of students would agree and I’m sure you at least thought this too. So that leads me to believe that community service hours are completely unnecessary.

Everyone has things to do on their own. People have hobbies they want to do in their free time but can’t because they still owe community service hours Which takes the fun away from people wanting to relax and do their own thing. Plus people have after-school activities they need to attend which leaves them with less time to complete the hours they owe. Let’s say that someone needs to go to volleyball practice but also needs to go to a charity for community service hours. They are probably tired after practice and are too tired to go to the charity. The same goes for extracurricular activities after you finish your activity it leaves you exhausted with no motivation to do anything.


The hours are just unimportant in general, like what are you going to do with the hours after you’re done with it? Nothing, absolutely nothing. It’s irrelevant to the real world. It’s not going to be important in your daily life as an adult, and all that time you spent doing community service hours became irrelevant while you could’ve perfected a skill, learned a new skill, or had some time to yourself to relax and focus on yourself, and now you’re an adult whose wishes that they did this earlier. Community service isn’t like a real job where you get paid to do something which gives them motivation because they want the money but it's just, “Hey, here’s a writing proof you did something here without getting paid!”

I’m not saying it’s a bad thing as a whole and some people do like to do community service for themselves and balance their schedule enough to fit it in. That's perfectly fine but people shouldn’t be forced to do something just so they can graduate. Some people just don’t work well with others. It pushes them outside of their comfort zone which can make them less motivated to do something. If the volunteer is unmotivated, more mistakes can take place and make an impact on the organization.

People shouldn’t be forced to do community service hours. If you want to volunteer, do it for yourself. Volunteering shouldn’t be a burden. Don’t you feel that way too?

Source Citation (Include your sources below the line.)


-☆Quote and Truism Bank

Quotes and Truisms

If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.

- Albert Einstein

Those who criticize our generation forget who raised it.

A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.

Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.

- Lao Tzu

The man who thinks he knows everything will eventually find he knows nothing.

Stand for something or you will fall for anything!

Anger is one letter short of danger.    


Nature has given us two ears, two eyes, and but one tongue; to the end we should hear and see more than we speak.

--Greek Proverb

It's the empty can that makes the most noise.

One grain of sand can tip the scale.

Life is a ladder -- some will climb up it, others down.

--Bulgarian Proverb

In order to get where you want to go, you first have to leave where you are.


Ability can take you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.

If you have planted a tree, you must water it too.

--Tamil Proverb

 Success is a journey not a destination.

Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty.

--Sicilian Proverb

Many things are lost for want of asking.

Words are like spears: once they leave your lips, they can never come back

--Benin Proverb


Men learn little from success, but much from failure.

--Arabian Proverb 

Bad decisions make good stories.

All cats love fish but hate to get their paws wet.

Drink nothing without seeing it; sign nothing without reading it.

--Spanish Proverb

A rising tide lifts all boats.

It takes a thief to catch a thief.


Use it up, wear it out, make do or do without. 

A wound inflicted by a friend does not heal.

--African Proverb

Bloom where you are planted.

A broken watch is right two times a day.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.


Experience is a comb which nature gives to men when they are bald.

--Chinese Proverb

Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies.

A bad craftsman blames his tools.

The pen is mightier than the sword.

From those to whom much is given, much is expected. 

A half truth is a whole lie.

Nothing to be feared in life, but understood.

There are no small roles, only small actors.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”

--attributed to Goethe

I restore myself when I’m alone.

--Marilyn Monroe

I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I'm out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.

--Marilyn Monroe

Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than to be absolutely boring.

--Marilyn Monroe

If I'd observed all the rules, I'd never have got anywhere.

--Marilyn Monroe

Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.

--Marilyn Monroe

Success can make so many people hate you. I wish it wasn’t that way. It would be wonderful to enjoy success without seeing envy in the eyes of people around you.

--Marilyn Monroe

I don’t want to make money, I just want to be wonderful

--Marilyn Monroe

I am trying to find myself. Sometimes that’s not easy.

--Marilyn Monroe

I have feelings too. I am still human. All I want is to be loved, for myself and for my talent.

--Marilyn Monroe

A smart girl leaves before she is left.

--Marilyn Monroe

Fame doesn’t fulfill you. It warms you up a bit, but that warmth is temporary.

--Marilyn Monroe

Sometimes I feel my whole life has been one big rejection.

--Marilyn Monroe

-☆ My Fiction Story

-Two Missing Hearts-

Chapter I |「The Meet-Up」

As I stood there in the desolate wasteland, surrounded by darkness and despair, I felt a sense of solitude, unlike anything I had ever experienced before. An epidemic happened a few months back,  the silence was deafening, and I could not shake the feeling that I was completely and utterly alone in the world.

The sudden realization that everything and everyone I had ever known was gone left me feeling empty and aimless. As I wandered aimlessly through the forest, I was overcome by a feeling of frustration and hopelessness. I had been walking around in circles for what felt like hours, unable to find anything or anyone to break the monotony of my existence.

My world changed in an instant when I saw the faint glow of lights in the distance. It was a real city - something I hadn't seen in years - and it gave me a glimmer of hope. I ran towards it, eager to find someone or something to break the endless solitude.

But as I entered the city, I realized that all was not well. The streets were empty, the buildings abandoned, and the only sign of life was a convenience store that stood in the center of it all. I cautiously entered the store, my heart pounding with anticipation, and was immediately confronted by a young man, his eyes set on me like a hawk. It feels like it’s been decades, millenniums since I saw another human being.

"State your name," he demanded, his voice low and dangerous. I felt a sudden surge of fear, unsure of what this stranger had in mind. But before I could answer, he fired an arrow at me, narrowly missing my head. I stumbled backwards, shocked and disoriented, as the young man emerged from the shadows and prepared to strike again.

“Aiyan, Aiyan Hu, and you are?”

"Yingqi Chen. Why are you here?" the boy introduced himself with a flat tone, the way he had posed his question almost sounding like an interrogation. To give a description of him, his black hair fell over his sharp features and it was clear that he had been through a lot, just like me.

Despite his rude demeanor, I couldn't help but be drawn to the boy, like something about him just seemed... familiar. I had been alone for so long that I felt like I had forgotten how to connect with people and yet, here I was, finding comfort in a stranger's presence.

Chapter II |「It’s a Deal」

I was debating whether I should take him with me or leave him here. I felt a lot of sympathy for the guy and I didn’t want to just leave him here alone.

“How would you like it if you came with me?”

“Excuse me?”

“How would you like it if you came with me?” I repeated

“I know what you said, but why?”

I looked at him for a long moment, taking in his expression and his body language. I felt a surge of emotion, a mix of fear and excitement that I couldn't put my finger on. I had been searching for someone, anyone, for so long that the thought of finding another human being was almost too much to bear.

"I can't leave you here, not alone," I said, my voice shaking slightly, "I know what it's like to be alone, to feel like there's nobody in the world who cares about you. I don't want you to feel that way."

I held out my hand to him, trying to be confident and brave even though my heart was racing, "Will you come with me?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper, "We can take care of each other."

I swear I saw a tint of pink on his cheeks, “Yeah, I’ll accept your offer… I mean, there’s no way I’d reject an offer like that.”

As he took my hand, a wave of relief washed over me. I had never felt so connected to someone I barely knew, and I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope for the future.

Over the next few days, we explored the abandoned city together, marveling at the ruins of what once was a bustling metropolis. Yingqi was a skilled archer and could hit any target with ease, while I was skilled in swordplay and could handle any number of monsters. Together, we formed a formidable team, taking down any monsters who dared to cross our path.

Despite our skills, we couldn't help but feel a sense of isolation as we searched the empty streets for supplies. It was a stark reminder of just how alone we were in this world, with no sign of other survivors in sight.

While we were exploring the city for resources I heard Yingqi scream in terror behind me, “What?! What’s wrong?!”

Yingqi points to a dead body, “No… No! This can’t be happening! Not you too!” I rushed over to Yingqi's side, my heart pounding as I saw him bent over the dead body, his hands shaking as he leaned against a wall for support. I took a deep breath, trying to prepare myself for whatever I was about to see, but the sight of the body lying there, cold and lifeless, still made me gasp in shock and horror.

"What happened?" I asked, my voice trembling slightly as I tried to keep my emotions in check. I couldn't let myself fall apart now, not in front of Yingqi. I needed to be strong for him, to help him through whatever he was going through.

"She was my sister," Yingqi said, his voice barely above a whisper as he stared down at the body. I could see the pain and anguish in his eyes, the sheer horror of losing someone so close to him. I reached out to put a comforting hand on his shoulder, trying to offer whatever little support I could.

"I'm so sorry," I said, feeling a weight of empathy settling in my chest as the reality of the situation started to sink in, "I can't imagine what you're going through."

Yingqi took a deep breath, closing his eyes as he tried to steady himself. "We have to move," he said finally, his voice steady once again, "We can't waste any more time here. We need to find someplace safe to rest."

I nodded, taking his hand as we continued through the city. The horror of what we had just witnessed weighed heavily on both of us, but we knew we couldn't let it break us. We had to stay strong and had to keep moving forward.

Chapter III |「The Realization」

As we walked, I noticed that he seemed to be holding back. He was quiet and moody, not really opening up to me about himself or his past. Despite this, I found myself drawn to him. There was just something about him that intrigued me, something that made me want to get to know him better.

As we chatted casually about the city and our experiences, I found myself feeling more comfortable with him. He was smart and witty, with a dry sense of humor that made me laugh. I realized that I was starting to like him, and not just as a friend or ally, but as something more.

The thought both startled and excited me. I had never felt this way about another human being before, and I wasn't sure what to do about it. I pushed the feelings deep down, not wanting to risk ruining our newfound friendship.

As I watched him move through the city with confidence and ease, I found myself feeling a strange mix of admiration and envy. I had been alone for so long, struggling to survive on my own. And here was this guy, who seemed to have it all figured out.

I tried not to let my feelings get the best of me, but as I watched him take out a pack of monsters single-handedly, I couldn't help but feel a pang of envy. I wanted to be as strong and as adept as he was, but I knew that I didn't have the same skills or training. I was just a regular girl, trying to survive in a world filled with monsters and danger.

Despite my feelings, I couldn't deny that he was an asset to me. He was strong and capable, and I knew that I could rely on him in a fight. I just had to learn to trust him and not let my emotions get the best of me. It would be unethical not to do so. I was trying to focus on logic rather than feelings.

Chapter IV |「Fight For Me」

I’ve spent a few days and nights with Yingqi, and I've grown very fond of him. We were both sitting by the campfire that we set up for the night. Every night, I worry about our rations, scared that we won’t have enough to feed ourselves. I’ve had to deduct our food less and less every night so that we’d still have food to survive.

But as we continued to explore the city, something else became apparent. He was incredibly skilled with a bow and arrow, taking down monsters with ease. He also had a knack for finding hidden pathways and secret rooms, “Where’d you learn to do this?” I say, trying to start up a new conversation.

“Natural instinct,” he replies to me briefly, “what do you do?”

I felt a pang of offensiveness in me, who does he think he is? Asking me that question. Before I could even respond, a swarm of pig-like monsters attacked us.

This was my chance to show my worth to Yingqi. I pull out my sword from my side and start slaughtering all the monsters in my way, taking slight glances at Yingqi as he eliminates them with his bow and arrow. As I watch Yingqi’s effortless movement with the bow and arrow, I’m both in awe and feeling slightly intimidated. His skill is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I turn my attention back to the battle, slicing through some more monsters to prove my worth to him.

After a moment, the monsters are gone. We both stand there, drenched in sweat and blood, catching our breath. Yingqi looks at me with a slight smirk on his face.

“You fought well,” he says, and I feel a rush of joy and validation wash over me. “I didn’t realize you were so skilled with a sword.”

I beam at him, feeling proud and accomplished, “I had to teach myself how to fight,” I reply, still breathing hard, “It took weeks of training, but I think it was worth it.”

Yingqi nods, impressed, “I’m not surprised by that. You seem like a very determined person.”

His words fill me with a sense of confidence and happiness that I haven’t felt in years. It’s been so long since anyone has recognized my strength or abilities. I look at him with gratitude, knowing that I’ve found a companion who truly sees me for who I am.

Chapter V |「What’s Stopping Me」

It’s been officially a week since Aiyan took me with her. Before she came along, I was apathetic, I was so close to giving up. I’ve had to leave my old group due to a monster attack. When I came back they were all dead, gone forever. It was pathetic. They couldn’t last a night without me. I chose to leave for the abandoned city by myself. 

When I first saw Aiyan I was flabbergasted that there was another survivor like me. But, I was suspicious. I couldn’t let some stranger barge into my area like this. However, she managed to win me over. Aiyan attracted me in some way. I don’t know if it was her looks, her personality, or her determination to survive.

Over the few days I’ve been with Aiyan, I’ve grown affectionate and more appreciative of her. I’ve made up my mind, I love Aiyan. I can't stop thinking about Aiyan. She's strong, brave, and she makes me feel safe. No matter how desperate things get, she always finds a way to keep us moving forward.

She's funny, too, with a wicked sense of humor that always manages to make me laugh. Even in the darkest moments, when it feels like the world is falling apart and we're the only ones left alive, Aiyan manages to find something to smile about.

But what I love most about her is her heart. She's so kind and caring, always putting others before herself. She's the kind of person who would do anything to help the people she cares about, even if it means putting herself in danger.

As we sit around the campfire, I can't help but stare at her. The firelight dances across her face, highlighting her beautiful features and making her eyes sparkle. I long to reach out and touch her, to tell her how I feel, but I don't know how to say it.

I want to tell her that she means everything to me. That just being near her makes me feel alive again. That I love her, in a way that I never thought I could love anyone, in a way that feels endless and all-consuming.

I know I should confess my feelings to her, but every time I try to do it, she's busy with something. She's always checking traps, repairing weapons, foraging, mining, fighting the monsters, or cleaning supplies. She's so dedicated to our survival that I worry that if I tell her how I feel, it will only distract her from her work.

But at the same time, every day that goes by makes it harder and harder to keep my feelings inside. I want to tell her so badly, to let her know how much she means to me and how much I care for her.

But the fear of rejection is almost too much to bear. What if she doesn't feel the same way? What if I end up making things awkward between us? And what if that distraction causes us to make a mistake that puts our lives in danger?

I know that I'm being selfish and that I should put our safety before my feelings. But the truth is, I just can't stop thinking about her. She's the only thing that makes me feel alive in this world, and the thought of losing her is too much to bear.

Eventually, though, I know that I have to take the risk. I can't let fear stop me from telling her how I feel. I owe it to her, and I owe it to myself. I wanted to make a commitment to her.

I take a deep breath, steeling myself for what I'm about to say. I know that there's no going back and that once the words leave my mouth, our relationship will never be the same. But I also know that I can't go on living with this weight on my chest, always wondering what could have been.

Chapter VI |「I Love You」

Yingqi seems like he needs to tell me something important, “Yingqi, you know that we’re friends, right? What do you need to tell me? I promise I won’t judge you.”

“I know that, but I think this would be an exception…”

“Oh? And why is that?”

Before he could even open his mouth to speak, he was interrupted by a swarm of monsters. Yingqi raises his bow and lets loose an arrow straight through the heart of one of the monsters. With an agile move, he grabs another arrow, knocking it to the string and shooting it at another monster in quick succession. The arrows fly through the air with surgical precision, striking down the monsters with deadly accuracy.

I move to help, wielding my weapon with ease and efficiency. I fight fiercely, my eyes gleaming with determination as I take out one monster after another. The sound of my sword clanging against the monsters' armor echoes through the abandoned city streets.

As the fight continues, we exchange looks, exchanging a silent understanding of the gravity of the situation. The monsters are coming at them from all sides, their numbers seemingly endless.

At the end of the chaos, it was the morning before we started fighting and now it’s noon. I turn to look at Yingqi but he was nowhere to be found. I start to panic, what happened to him? I care about him too much to lose him. I look around frantically but Yingqi is nowhere to be found. The monsters have been defeated, but the city is still in ruins and there are countless hidden dangers that we may have overlooked.

But even so, I can't help but feel like something is awry. There's a pit in my stomach and my heart is racing. It's as if the air has become stagnant, as though everything around me is standing still.

I call out for Yingqi, my hands shaking as I clutch my sword tightly. My voice echoes throughout the city, but there's no response. I feel a sense of dread creeping over me, and I hurry to find him before it's too late.

Suddenly, I hear a sound coming from a nearby alleyway. It's faint, but it's someone whispering. I slowly approach the alleyway, my weapon at the ready.

I peer around the corner, my heart racing as I try to see what's happening. And there, behind a pile of garbage, I see Yingqi. It’s one of the creatures eating Yingqi alive, brutally, “YINGQI!” I scream as I kill off the monster. I start trying to support him with a portable aid kit. 

“Aiyan, don’t even try anymore.” 

“Please! Let me try! I can’t lose you!”

“Hey, before I go, I need to tell you one last thing.”

“What is it…?”

“I never got to say this, I love you Aiyan forever and always.”

My eyes widened in shock as Yingqi's words echoed through my mind. I felt my gut twist into knots as the weight of his confession bore down on me.

Tears streamed down my face as I collapsed onto my knees, weeping uncontrollably, "Yingqi, no!" I screamed, my voice choking with desperation, "Please don't leave me!"

Despite my pleas, however, it was as if the world had stopped turning. Time seemed to stand still as Yingqi's figure gradually began to fade from view until there was nothing left but a faint, shimmering haze.

With my emotions running rampant, I could only watch in helpless disbelief as Yingqi turns into one of the monsters before my very eyes. I know that I had to kill him for my safety. Once he fully transformed I slashed him with my sword. My heart ached with grief, and I wondered if I could ever feel truly happy again.

As the tears continued to stream down my face, I knew that I would always carry Yingqi's memory with me. The love he had shown me would forever live on in my heart, and I was determined to honor it in every way possible. My feelings were intransigent.

But for now, all I could do was cry my eyes out, mourning the loss of someone I loved so dearly. It was a pain I would probably never fully recover from. There is no one like Yingqi in the entire universe. I didn’t realize how much time passed. I look up at the night sky,

The moon is beautiful, isn’t it

{Fun Fact: if someone says "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" to you it means that they love you}