The beginning

This is my first ever drawing in adobe illustrator (called sample graphic) It is very simple but it is where I first learned how to use layers and I also learned what vector graphics (the style of drawing used in adobe illustrator), are.To sum it up, vector graphics like in adobe illustrator use math and convert that math into pixels, while bitmap (like in microsoft paint) uses only pixels for the art.

My work after a few weeks of learning.

After about 2-3 weeks of learning this is what I created, using the sample graphic for its circle. I created an emoji even though it is hideous, It's still mine and I'm proud of it. (This was also created before my monster.)

Part 1 of the monster

This is my cropped monster scan, and while you might say "Oh it looks like the green part of it was drawn with a highlighter". Which you would be right in that aspect of it, this is still only the beginning.

Part 2 of the monster

This is my monster drawing in adobe illustrator. It did not take that long because of how simple it was. If you are curious about the tools and effects I used in the drawing, they will be discussed at the bottom of the page.

Part 3 of the monster

Tada!                                                                                                             I finally animated my monster In adobe after effects using the key frames for movement and rotation. This is the animated Gif version, which allows it to be looping and low file size


Part 3.5 of the monster

Tada!                                                                                                             I finally animated my monster In adobe after effects using the key frames for movement and rotation. This is the Mp4 video version, which allows it to be high quality, but it does not loop and it is a larger file than my Gif.(yeah thats all I changed the format and quality.)