Hi my name is wyatt, I am a 6th D.A.T.A student. I play sandbox style video games meaning you have a ton of progression methods but there still is a ultimate goal. I'm also a cello player in the school orchestra. Click for the web site. Everything I learned in multimedia is on this website.

You will encounter hardships along the way, and to be honest there are a lot of annoying kids and teachers, But I can assure you that there is at least one enjoyable class. Everyone is kind for the most part and believe me you will find at least one friend if you don't annoy anybody on your first day.

D.A.T.A. is located right here              ➡️

Sure some people that grew up in this region would say "that's ed white" and those people would be right, but D.A.T.A is at ed white.

Here are some of my friends' pages

Isaiah 😾





"I always say lime are the solution to most problems, and the problems that they don't fix can be solved by spicy black bean burgers."

"ask for a lime from mr. Gonzales it's an amazing option for how to spend some time, even better if you have him in his 6th period."