Tech Apps

Intro to Tech Apps

Tech Apps is our other technology class. In this class we do all sorts of graphic design on Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. Tech Apps and Multi Media do overlap a bit in some places, but the work is mostly different. In Tech Apps, we do things like practice typing, graphic designing, vector art.


In Tech Apps, we occasionally practice typing. Every once in a while, we take a typing test. This test calculates our typing speed and accuracy.

This is just one part of our tests.

Vector Art

This is my Vector art of Ryan Reynolds. I made it by tracing polygons over Ryan's face and suit. It definitely needs some work, but I'm pretty happy with it.

Pixel Art

This is my pixel art of Mario. We did it in Google Sheets with conditional formatting. This was for extra credit and it was also pretty fun!

Partner PSA

This is a PSA I did with my partner, Jacob Cintora, about SOAR. SOAR stands for Self-Control, On Task, Achievement, and Respect.