App Inventor


Link to my app. It took around 6 to 7 weeks to make. More about app below.

Hello Codi🐝

Hello Codi is the first app I made. When doing it I used the cat image below instead of codi bee on the left. I didn't have enough time to add a cat noise so instead I used the bee buzz.

Talk to Me🎤

In Talk to Me, you can type whatever you want, then press a button to have it said by the device. 

Ball Bounce⚫

In Ball Bounce, you can move a ball by swiping in on the screen.

Digital Doodle🖌️  

In Digital Doodle, you can draw whatever you want on the canvas, but you can only do it in one color and one size.

Paint Pot🎨


Old on the left and New on the right. 

In Paint Pot, it is the same as Digital Doodle, except for more colors and sizes.


HelloCodi's Code😺

TalkToMe's Code🎙️

BallBounce's Code🎈

PaintPot's Code🖼️