What Is App Inventor?

Well, like the title says, App Inventor is a website that is used to create basic apps by coding. We built this in a tablet attached to the desktop computer in front of us, you can only download it if we have an Android electronic. We began with the 4 basics apps, we followed the instructions that the website gave us or/and the videos Mr. Hicks made for us.ย 

(Here is a screenshot of what the coding looks like)

Here is my Android App so you can check it out! We made Hello Codi, Talk To Me, Paint Pot, Ball Bounce and Digital Doodle which was part one of Paint Pot. I added this QR Code so you access it easily and install it. Sadly, I don't have any pictures of videos of my app so you would need to scan it to see it.

There is different ways to learn the basics since in the website (MIT App Inventor), has 3 ways to learn them which are the Tutorial, Video, and Text which explains in detail how to build it. It also provides the name and a quick explanation of what the app is. (Below)