Hello! I am a student here at DATA obviously, I don't really know what to talk about, but I'll still give you a little introduction about me ๐Ÿ˜›. I went to DATA because all my other friends were going, and I really like technology. I play a lot of video games but I'm really bad at them so I'm taking a little break from them. Whenever you get to know me, I'm quiet at first, but then I turn into a really talkative person!


One of my hobbies are Drawing (mostly digital art). I haven't done many drawings but I started having this hobby when I was around 7 years old. It's really calming for me but sometimes I have days where it's just goofy and I can't even draw right. Another hobby that I have is playing soccer. When 8 years old, I started playing soccer but even though I enjoyed that, I had to stop around 10 years old for reasons ๐Ÿค . Lastly, another hobby that I have is playing my violin. Even though I started playing it and going to strings, I really love playing it! At first it took time to actually play it right but I feel like I've progressed so much since I started last year, and I know that there's more to learn but with some patience, I can learn it! ๐ŸŽ‰