Made with Adobe Firefly 

My favorite unit, Vector art. Vector art is art that's made up of vector graphics. we used Adobe Illustrator  to make most of this vector art page. Some things we didn't use Adobe Illustrator  to make are the website (made using google sites) and header (made using Adobe Firefly ). Are BIG project was our monster which we made in ELAR. Then we made a digital copy. Hope you enjoy! 

231207 ELAR Monster - James Turner.mp4

This is my ELAR monster 

Here's the start to finish

Here's the GIF version (sorry its so pixelated).

This is something that i'm very impressed with myself with. The fancy eye! It took about 5 full class periods.

This is my Sample Graphic 300ppi. The resolution is 8000 x 4500. We made this to introduce us to Vector Art.

This is my emoji. The reason it looks not as good as my other work is because it IS. This is what happens when you rush finish.

This is Man. He's confused. Why is he here? Well long story short... He got scrapped. The original idea was to see how many effects I could put on a single thing. That never happened because I didn't get around to doing that.