My first category is food, my first favorite food is chalupas. Chalupas is my favorite food because my mom and other restaurants make it so good. That's just my opinion though. My second Favorite food is Chicken nuggets. CHICKEN IS JUST SO GOOD😃.My third favorite food is enchiladas, my mom doesn't make them that much but I love them a lot.

 My second category is devices I like. My first favorite device is the android phone, because I have one, it runs smoothly. The second favorite device is the Nintendo cause I have one and I love playing Minecraft and Fortnite.

221018 My Favorite Things - Lisa Kalinowski (VBR16).mp4

This is My Favorite Things video. It took about 1 to 2 weeks to make this video. I know I know, you might be saying how did this take you 1 to 2 weeks it only takes to record it and upload. The reason it took me 1 to 2 weeks because I have to do this very long process. I have to first make sure that the video runs smoothly and perfect quality