

Hi! My name is Harper White and I go to DATA middle school at Ed White middle school . I'm in the student ambassador program to get community service hours (which in sixth grade you need 5) we do tours for incoming sixth graders we tell them about the school and why they should consider DATA.  AND you Should consider too! We made AMAZING Things here at DATA like Blender animations, Android apps, 3D Printed models, and more. I came to DATA because I was interested in tech more than anything else. I also have two older siblings in DATA my brother Cooper is in 10th grade in the roosevelt high school DATA Program, my sister Addie is a 7th grader in ed white middle school DATA program. My parents always say that DATA will change my life forever and I believe them in that topic, DATA is a program like no other we learn things like no other schools in the district not only is it educational but it's also really fun! We even have specially designed desks and chairs! DATA has pushed me more than I expected all of the teachers are very nice and kind and will push you to you best potential.  Not only is DATA single handedly the best magnet program in the district i've also made friends like no other, yes I do miss all of my friends from elementary but I feel like these new friends i've known them just as long as my old ones, we've bonded over the same topic for a few months and now I feel like i've known them for years. Now all i'm going to say is that i'm very grateful for this program. In DATA you can learn so much things to help you in your future; and you get to learn so much about yourself, DATA has truly changed me and i'm so happy for that manner.