This is my typing score for how fast I type and for my average score of mistakes and looks like I have a pretty good score! But I do need to get faster in typing :(

This is my Emphasis element I made in my Tech apps class! Its based on one thing  the drawing has one different sun in the picture. Can you notice?

This is a project I made in tech apps for an assignment called 012. I like it it is very cute!

This is a drawing I made for

 Thanksgiving. I love it!

This is a google drawing I made in Tech apps! It is based off of what my favorite thing is. I chose volleyball! It is my passion and my future career!

This is a snowman I made for a Tech Apps grade by using shapes!

This is my Digital Citizenship poster I made in Tech Apps as a Extra credit assignment in Adobe Illustrator. Always have good Digital Citizenship online :)