231030 My Favorite Things - Derick Lau (FINAL).mp4

This is my My Favorite things video, I worked for around a couple weeks in class to make this along with my classmates.

Anyway, hope you enjoy My Favorite Things video by Derick Lau!                                                          

                                                                                                            Header 1 and 2

                                                                                                      Headers 3 and 4

Images I used in the video, some actually are 6 MP+, but most are 8 MP+.

The video and headers were made using Adobe Photoshop and Premiere Pro, with the images from the internet. The header text was colored and i used the stroke and drop shadow on the main one. 

For the images, I used google's advanced image search tool to find images 8 Megapixels or larger to use. We are presenting the video in 1920 x 1080p, but we used images that are 2560 x 1440p to make transitions and zooming in on the images.

The music is from bensound.com, with the song being "All That", I could've used another song, but since I liked this one I used it.