Photoshop Projects

Projects made in Adobe Photoshop to explore the features and tools.

049 Colorize Final Project

This was our last big project of the 23-24 year where we had to transform a monochrome image to realistic color. 

In Adobe Photoshop, we used the AI Colorize filter to get the base colors, then fixed it using adjustments.

042 PSD Header

This image was from a project made in Adobe Photoshop. The assignment was to use clipping masks and a gradient background of some sort. We got an image of microchips and integrated circuits to go behind the silhouettes of 'DATA' and Dataman.

We also had to find two pictures from the internet and separate the image from its background.

041 DE 1

For this Photoshop assignment, we had to adjust a photo of some candles and flowers to become darker, yet brighter at the same time. We used the sponge, dodge, and burn tools to achieve this.

039 NDE 1

When we were making this, we got five different photos and made them into a collage. We used layer masks to separate the background and the images. Furthermore, there is a lot of different techniques used in this project.

Illustrator Projects

Projects made in Adobe Illustrator (AI) to explore its features and tools.

034 Motivational Poster

In this, we had to choose a saying to form it into an illustration. We had to also use gradients as a background and also use it inside the text.

032 Custom Shapes

This Adobe Illustrator assignment was to specifically learn about the Shape Builder tool. 

In the 'Red Layer' we were laying down basic shapes to use later.

 In the 'Blue Layer' we were putting down random shapes to combine into one large and unique shape. We also used Curve to make custom shapes- we put a gradient inside one of the shapes- to show that we know how. 

In the 'Green Layer' we had to take one of the shapes from the Blue Layer and duplicate it into different colors. I also put more stars around it.

030 DATA Insignia

This project was about learning how to wrap text around circles. This was done in Adobe Illustrator.

Typing Tests

For all of our typing tests, we used

These percentages are my overall average speed and accuracy of all time.