In here is made many victor art stuff, I made all of it in Mult Media


This was the first thing I made, it looks so cool

Re-used circles


I reused the circle from before :3

emoji circle

I once again reused the circle and made an emoji out of it😊

ELAR monster

Ruff draft

This was a drawing I did in ELAR for an assignment 

It was a lot of fun to do in class.


This is an animation I made with my monster

I hade more but I didn't finsh in time :(

For Assignments!

This was an assignment I did for science

We had to do it online, and I really enjoyed doing Vector art for my pikmin

All of the animals up close.

This was for an assignment I did for app tech

This is a chinchilla!!

This was for an assignment I did for App tech

This a glow Pikmin!!

This was for a contest i interred, I didn't win :(

It's the DATA mascot, it could have been on a t-shirt