In this unit, we use MIT App Inventor to create an app, or rather, a multi-app. The App includes several games such as Hello Codi, Talk to Me, Ball bounce, Digital Doodle, and Paint Pot.

The QR code for my app.

The code for Ball Bounce.

This is the QR code for my app. If you scan it with the MIT app inventor app, you can access my app, complete with Hello Codi, Talk to Me, Ball bounce, Digital doodle, and Paint pot.

First on the list of chores was Hello Codi. A very, very basic app where you touch a label with an image, and a sound of your choice plays. I made the label a siren and added a very loud Air strike siren to play upon contact. I actually had to drop the noise of the siren by 13.5 decibels! If you don't know, that is a lot.

Next on the great grand list was talk to me, where you add a text box, and a text-to-speech will "say" whatever is typed into the box. That is literally it. To spice it up, I put another text to speech to say, "I have feelings, you know," if you shake the device. Terrifying? Yes. Hilarious? Absolutely.

Continuing on to Ball bounce, a quite simple app. The concept is also simple, you "fling" the ball, and it will move in the direction you flung it in. The code is equally simple, so I'll put it up here to save space.

I surged into Digital Doodle, a drawing app where you drag your finger across a canvas, and a line follows the path. The code is also simple, when a finger drags across the canvas, a line is created in its previous X, Y position.

Finally, we arrive at Paint Pot. In this game, we start by copying the code to digital doodle. Then,we add a slider for line size, allowing us to create smaller or larger lines. We add an eraser, which really just changes our lines white, drawing over other lines, and turning parts of them white. We add a few color options, mine being red, green, and blue, these turn the line to the corresponding color. 

And there we have it, the steps to a multi-app. I guess all I should say is, boom. That was the final Multimedia project of 6th grade.