Android Apps

In our final Unit for 6th grade, we created our own Android Apps! We created them in MIT App Inventor, a free website where you can create apps about almost anything! It even has hundreds of tutorials on creating your own apps.


You can use this QR Code to download my app. 


Home Screen

I created 6 different screens on my app - Home Screen, About, HelloCodi, Talk to Me, Ball Bounce, and PaintPot. On the right, you'll see the home screen, which is what you see when you first click on the app.

Here's the code that I used on the home screen. It was the first coding I did on this app, so nothing very complicated.


This is my About screen. You can scroll on the text box to read all of it. Here's what it says:

"Hi! My name is Reagan Szenasi, and I am a 6th grade student at DATA middle school. I created this app in my Multimedia class. This is my first time coding anything, so I hope you enjoy!"

"About" was a simple screen, so I only needed a single block of code.


This is my HelloCodi screen. When you click on the rooster, it plays a crowing-rooster sound, just like in real life!

(Ignore how chunky the rooster is. It looks better on the actual app.)