This is my very own game just scan the QR code to start playing it i'm very happy with the way it turned out and hope I can make others in the future! 

All you have to do is scan the QR Code in MIT App inventor then copy the URL and Paste it into chrome.Then click allow on anything that it asks (Sadly this cannot work on iphones sorry about that).

This is an image of my main screen i really like the background we got to make it makes it way less bland and fun.

This is a screen shot of my about page it has a little about me and links to the DATA Website and my digital portfolio.

This is a screenshot of the first app our teacher tought us to make it as pretty simple and a fun way to get introduced into coding.

This is my ball bounce screen this screen was pretty fun and every time the ball hits the wall it makes a cartoon boing noise its funny.

This is my drawing app screen it's pretty cool because if you have a ipad pen you can draw very detailed things and i would like to see an artist try to draw something on it.

This is my paint pot screen this is my most complexe screen so far it has a lot of coding and a lot of cool mechanisms you can use to have fun and color in your page.

This is my clicker game it is a decently simple code but can be much much more complex if i where to add workers or a rebirth etc. but i will probably add more soon.

This is my talk to me screen it's pretty cool whatever you type in the box it will say so if you loose your voice you can use this to talk.