

Current free time project im working on:

M.I.T Extensions

This page is for fun things like free time projects like side projects from me. You may find funny buttons on here or more I am planning to make a tiny city I will show you the progress. I will make the model at home since I'm not sure I'm allowed to do so in class but i'm not sure how i will record the scenes since I don't have screen pal at home. 

When I am writing this text it is 2/1/2024. I will probably start the city project at 2/3/2024 since today I have to finish a project that's due tomorrow. 

How to make a video inside a building in sketchup.

In case you want to make a city like me or a inside of a building. Cutting footage and transitions are your best friends. When you try to film inside a model in sketchup it the walls look dark so i would recommend doing some angles on exterior and keep recording and then select all walls and then right click then click reverse faces and then zoom inside the building and keep recording. After you go to editing phase select all the right clicking footage and then right click and click cut and then click enter and then add a transition there and boom done. I recommend setting up scenes first and then playing them.

Making The Shop.mp4

Most of this project will not be recorded due to uploading files to drive takes way to long.

This project will be put on hold for now. Since the new unit requires blender. I think if i want to make any other free time projects i would need to get a lunch pass. Especially since i am already learning rigging i just need to learn how to sculpt in blender which we aren't doing. We are treating blender like a editing soft ware but it can be used for much much more.

Recording #4.mp4

This is how you can add a announcement banner to your site. Fun fact: i recorded this video in class with no one noticing i was done with my work at the time. Once i am able to get permission to do this or i may just do it in my home. I will make a comprehensive guide to google sites.

How to get blender renders with sound

How to add sound to a blender file.mp4

This is how to add sound to a blender file also this is part 1 don't mind the final textbox telling you to render that is for part 2.

How to add sound to a blender file pt.2.mp4

This is part 2 of how to add sound to blender renders.

i recommend opening in a new tab since its squeezed currently.

M.I.T Extension Section

M.I.T Extension Links

AI Image Generator ( Discovered by Clayton)          Flubbie(Animation)

TV Extension ( Discovered by Clayton)                     Phase(Animation)

Floating Button                                                              Animated Gradient

Pro Camera                                                                    More Wifi 

Shadow Layout                                                             Pura Vida(Wifi)        

Text Animation                                                             Ads